Why You Should Study Abroad

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1.You’ll discover a new culture. Traveling gives you  a better understanding of the world. Due to the fact that we live in a globalized society, it is important to develop a comprehensive worldview.

2. It’ll make your resume look more impressive. Employers are looking for candidates with study abroad experiences on their cv.

3. You’ll learn a new language. Knowing another language helps you exceed in your career and gain knowledge of your native tongue.

4. You’ll get to meet many different types of people.Your new friends will help you  view the world through different lenses and it is quite humbling.

5. You’ll gain self-confidence. Traveling builds confidence.  According to research, 96% of study abroad alumni saw a rise in self-confidence.  

6. Study abroad is good for your personality development. A German study discovered that students who studied abroad displayed developments in five  essential characters such as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability.(9)

7. You will gain life changing experiences.Your experiences  will change you and make you a better version of yourself.

8. You’ll learn to appreciate your family. Living apart from your family helps you realize how important they are to you.

9.You’ll become more mature. According to research, 97% of study abroad alumni students claimed an increase in maturity.

10. You’ll gain new perspectives.When you are able to think from a multi-national perspective, you’ll have the ability to handle most modern challenges and come up with inventive approaches.



