My Solo Trip

My Solo Trip

“The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” Henry David Thoreau

I wasn’t too keen on the idea of solo traveling until I took one myself.  Although sometimes it’s good to have a companion but once in awhile a solo trip is worth the try. I took the risk on my first solo trip when I decided not only to take a job in a foreign country but also move there for a year. It was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.

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Today I am grateful for that decision because of my solo trip, I understand myself much better. I know my strengths, my weaknesses, my likes, dislikes, and most importantly I’ve found my voice among humankind. I’ve become more aware of my passion and I have a better understanding of how I can help others.

During my trip, I noticed that it was easy to make new friends because I didn’t have anyone. My new friends were from different countries and ethnicity and because of that they broaden my knowledge and I gained new perspectives.

It was on my solo trip that I learned that at the end of the day it is more important to have experiences, than a mansion full of stuff. I asked myself do I want to tell my future children stories that are worth a million dollars or show them the expensive smart phone that I got when I was 25? Experiences bring you fulfillment, joy and strengthen you, but stuff only adds temporary happiness and soon forgotten. You can lose stuff, but no one can take away your experiences.


 My solo trip taught me how important it is to live in the moment and focus on our own journey. I withdrew from social media for a while and I learned to focus on the here and now and not what Jenny had for lunch in Tokyo. I travelled not for a big audience, but for an audience of one-me. My everyday life was for learning, discovering and exploring and once a month I would write a blog post for my family and friends of what I’ve learned.

I relied on my faith in God for guidance and to help me take back control of my life. For once in my life, social media was just a platform not my daily bread.

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I went an odyssey, I went alone and I came back ready to share with others my experience. I founded Castle InterProgram in hope of helping others learn a new language and discover a new culture. We provide assistance and arrangement. Having an authentic experience makes the journey more real. Are you ready to start your own odyssey? Whatever program you choose to use, or whether you decide to plan it all on your own, I just think a solo trip is good for the soul! I wish you the best!