Foreign Language

Did you know that learning a foreign language creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different?

If you are looking for a program why not give  us a shot?

Learn French with us in Tours, France

Spanish in Madrid, Spain

Italian in Milan, Italy

German in Munich, German

We also have an au pair program.

I want you to know, it is not about learning French, German, Spanish or Italian, at Castle InterProgram we want you to push yourself to try new things, meet different kinds of people, and develop new skills. At the end of the day we know that you will not remember le passé composé; but you will remember the kind person sitting next to you in class. Don’t be a tourist, be a traveler. Upon your return, you will become a better version of yourself, you will be the love, beauty, knowledge, and joy that you’ve experienced. Don’t limit yourself!

If you have any questions, send us a message! Thanks for reading God Bless!