10 Ways to Improve your French with simple activities

Louvre At Night

Looking for ways to improve your French ? It can be difficult at times to learn a foreign language. However, it will open up a world of opportunities for you. For example, learning French can help you commune with the estimated 220 million French speakers worldwide.

Not only that but knowing multiple languages looks great on a resume. It shows that you’re open to new experiences and willing to put in some extra effort to learn something new.

If you’re looking to improve your French skills, you can do many simple activities to make progress. Check out our list of 10 ways to improve your French below.

Listen to French Podcasts

Podcasts are the modern radio. You can listen to local podcasts to improve your French listening and speaking skills. You can make the most of this time while traveling by listening to French audiobooks or podcasts on your headphones or portable audio player. Coffee break French is a wonderful Podcast. You can check it out here

You may enhance your French listening comprehension daily by engaging in this straightforward and enjoyable activity.

Include some fantastic French podcasts in your daily routine to supercharge your language learning while you’re on the go!


One way to improve your French is to shadow native speakers. It means listening to French conversations and repeating the words and phrases out loud. It may seem strange initially, but it’s a great way to learn how native speakers use the language in conversation. You can find French conversation partners online or in your local community.

Word Association

When you are learning a new language, it can be helpful to associate new words with things you already know. It will help your brain connect the new language and the familiar concepts.

For example, if you are learning the French word for “dog,” you could think of a dog you know in English. It will help you remember the French word more easily.

You can also use association to help you remember grammar rules. For instance, if you are having trouble remembering when to use the feminine form of a word, you could think of a woman when you see the word. It will remind you to use the feminine form of the word.

There are many other ways to use word association to improve your French. Try different techniques and see what works best for you!

Reading in French

Reading as much French as you can is a great approach to learning the language. It can be challenging when you first start out, but there are ways to make it less so.

First, try reading material that is interesting to you. It will make it more enjoyable, and you’ll likely stick with it. If you’re unsure what to read, look for websites or blogs written in French on topics that interest you.

Another great way to improve your reading skills is to find a buddy who also wants to learn French and take turns reading aloud to each other. This way, you can practice pronouncing words and get feedback from someone who is also learning.

Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes when reading. Mistakes will only make you better at understanding and using the language.

Writing in French

One way to improve your French is by writing. It can be done in a journal, blog, or even online. You can also write letters to friends or family members in French. It is a reliable way to practice your grammar and vocabulary. Another great way to improve your writing skills is taking a French class.

In a French class, you will learn how to write properly. You will also get feedback from your teacher on your work. This can help you identify areas you need to work on. If you are not taking a class, many resources are still available to help you improve your writing skills. Websites, books, and even apps can help you learn more about French grammar and vocabulary.

Speaking in French

If you want to improve your French, one thing you can do is practice speaking as much as possible. Try to find a French-speaking friend or family member to chat with or join a local meetup group. If you don’t live near a French-speaking community, plenty of online resources can help you practice your conversation skills.

You can also try recording yourself speaking in French and then listening back to see how well you pronounce words and phrases. It will help you identify areas where you need to improve. Listening to French radio or podcasts can also be a great way to immerse yourself in the language and get used to hearing it spoken aloud.


If you want to improve your French, one thing you can do is listen to native speakers. It will help you get a feel for the language and its use in everyday life.

There are many ways to find native-speakers to listen to. One option is to find online forums or chat rooms where people speak French. You can also look for websites that offer audio clips of French conversations. Another great way to get exposure to the language is to watch French movies or television shows.

Listening to French music can also be beneficial. Not only will you hear the language being used, but you may also pick up on some of the slang and colloquialisms often used in songs.

In addition to listening to native speakers, it is also important that you practice speaking yourself. It will help you learn proper pronunciation and build your confidence in using the language. One way to practice speaking is to find a tutor or practice partner who speaks French fluently. You can also join a French club or take a local community college or university class.

Chat with French Chatbots

If you are an introvert or afraid to talk to people, it is one of the best options. You can chat with Chatbots to improve your French. As an alternative to traditional methods, French chatbots are becoming increasingly popular. They interact with you and answer in French, allowing you to practice thinking, speaking, and writing in French.

Since this isn’t a language exchange, you won’t need to waste time practicing the language by thinking or speaking in your mother tongue. This is a significant benefit. In addition, there are a lot of chatbots in French that are geared toward helping you enhance your language skills.

The trade-off is that the talks tend to be less spontaneous, and you will have a reduced chance of being exposed to slang or cultural anecdotes than you would if you were speaking with a real person.


In order to improve your French, it is important to get plenty of practice translating. An excellent way is to find a French-English dictionary. You can use it to look up new words. Alternatively, you can use an online translator such as Google Translate.

Another great way to improve your translation skills is to read French books or articles and translate them into English. This will help you understand how the language works and how to structure sentences in French.

Finally, it is also helpful to practice speaking with native French speakers. It will not only help you to improve your accent but also give you a better understanding of the flow of the language.

Bilingual Conversation

If you’re looking to improve your French, one great way is to engage in bilingual conversation. This means talking with someone in both French and English. Not only will this help you practice your French skills, but you’ll also better understand the language and how it works.

When engaging in bilingual conversation, one thing to keep in mind is to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the arrangement. It can be helpful to set some ground rules beforehand, such as agreeing on what language will be used for each topic of conversation. In this way, everyone knows what to expect, and no one feels uncomfortable or left out.

Another tip for successful bilingual conversation is to take turns speaking in each language. It gives each person a chance to practice and ensures the conversation flows smoothly. If one person speaks too much in one language, it can be difficult for the other person to keep up.

So if you are looking for an effective and fun way to improve your French, try engaging in bilingual conversation with a friend or loved one today! You can also check out our Language Coaching program


Learning French doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. The best way to learn French, whether in Paris or at home, is to immerse yourself in French-speaking environments and practice the language as much as possible.

There are many ways to make French a part of your everyday life. Even though it will be more difficult for you to do so if you do not live in a predominantly francophone environment, you can still learn French.

By following the tips in this article, you’ll be on your way to becoming a fluent speaker of French in no time.